Podcasts are the Uk’s fastest growing medium reaching 11.3 Million listeners & counting!

Brand Awareness
Podcast listeners are actively engaged listeners!
Podcasts offer a more intimate form of advertising. This means that podcasts generate up to 4.4X Better Brand Recall than widely-used forms of digital advertising.
High Trust
With an average listening time of 7 hours per week, UK podcast listeners tune in regularly. Over this time those loyal listeners build up a relationship with the podcast hosts, establishing a high level of trust in the media channel and accordingly the advertising brands.
Sales, Sales, Sales
Podcast advertising leads to conversions! 76% of people said that they had followed up on a brand message heard in a podcast and a massive 61% of listeners have brought a product that they heard advertised on a podcast.
Stand Out
Podcast listeners pay attention! They don’t skip the ads, because they don’t want to miss out on the show. In fact 65% of listeners stay tuned for the entire episode.
86% of podcast listeners subscribe to a premium video service such as Netflix, meaning they are difficult to reach through traditional advertising solutions.